Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Lotus Seed- Historical Fiction

The Lotus Seed by Sherry Garlad and illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi is about a Vietnamese family. A young Vietnamese girl takes a lotus seed from the emperor of her homeland before she is forced to leave. She saves that during her journey to America. She is pleased when she is greated by the bright lights of America. Her husband is forced to leave and be in the army. During this time, she plants the lotus seed. When she grows old and has grandchildren, they see the lotus plant, and she explains the story of the seed and her emperor. She gives a seed to each grandchild, and they keep it and plant it to remember the story of their grandmother.
This was a fictitious way to explain the bombing of Vietnam. We see it from a young girls point of view. The importance of this seed, and eventually a plant is extremely important to her, and it reminds her of where and what she came from.
The illustrations in this book were huge, and colorful. They were amazing and extremely descriptive. I got an extremely good and realistic look at the Vietnamese culture with just reading this book, than I ever have before.

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