Sunday, November 30, 2008

Junie B. First Grader At Last!- Realistic Fiction

We all know Barbara Parks character, Junie B. Jones, as a funny, outspoken Kindergartener. A new series was started for her first grade year. This book shows Junie B.'s fears of going to first grade, and how she adjusts. Not only does she have to find a new seat on the bus, a new best friend, and a new seat in the classroom, she comes across something else that is a life changing event. Junie B. is told she needs to get glasses. Glasses? For Junie B.?! That doesn't fit her style. But her new best friend helps her through it, and helps her realize that they are cool, and will help her a lot!
I think it is extremely important to use this book, especially in the beginning of the first grade classroom. There are many activities that can be incorporated with this book. Junie B. has a first grade journal. The students will see how nice and important it is to have a journal. She gets to get all of her frustrations and fears out on that paper. They also see how she doesn't always spell everything right, but thats okay in a personal journal. The most important and nice thing about this book, is that most of the students are familiar with her, and they see that they are not the only ones making new friends and having fears in a new classroom. The pictures are like any other Junie B. Jones books. They are not on every page, and the color is only on the cover. They are kind of just pencil drawings, but always detailed and to the point. Junie B. is also looking a little older as a first grader! I recommend this book for 1st and 2nd grade.

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